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Writer's pictureGreg Hungerford

Planning for Your Club's Future

The club industry is built on the promise of delivering exceptional experiences to its members. As the demands and expectations of club members evolve, the need for continuous improvement becomes paramount. More than a mere reaction to issues, continuous improvement (CI) can be a strategic foundation for future planning and growth.

Your Club is a dynamic landscape and no longer just a place where members simply come to socialise, have a game of bowls or play a round of golf. They have become multifaceted environments that cater to a broad spectrum of needs—entertainment, dining, networking, wellness, and family time. Members today expect clubs to provide personalised services, state-of-the-art facilities, and a diverse array of activities. Given this rapidly changing landscape, clubs must adopt an approach that allows for adaptability, growth, and sustainability.

Continuous improvement, which originates from business philosophies like Kaizen and Lean Management, focuses on making incremental enhancements over time. In the club industry, this process involves identifying areas where service delivery, member engagement, and operational efficiencies can be improved consistently. More importantly, these initiatives can serve as the bedrock for future strategic planning.

Key Components of Continuous Improvement in Clubs

Member Feedback and Engagement

The starting point for any continuous improvement process in a club should be member feedback. Members are at the heart of the club’s operations, and their experience directly affects the club’s success. Regularly soliciting feedback through surveys, suggestion boxes, focus groups, and one-on-one conversations allows clubs to stay attuned to members’ changing preferences and concerns.

Beyond gathering feedback, clubs need to demonstrate a willingness to act on it. When members see their suggestions being implemented or notice improvements based on their input, it fosters a sense of ownership and loyalty to the club. This feedback loop is not only crucial for addressing current issues but also provides insights into future trends that should be incorporated into long-term planning.

Operational Efficiency

Continuous improvement can also focus on behind-the-scenes operations. Streamlining club processes—from reservation systems to event planning—can lead to smoother operations and better service. Automation and technology are crucial tools in this area, allowing for more efficient management of member data, scheduling, billing, and communications.

For instance, clubs that adopt digital platforms to track member usage patterns can tailor their offerings more effectively. By analysing data on popular meals, peak patronage times, and drink preferences, they can better plan for future infrastructure improvements or expansions. This is an example of how continuous improvement at the operational level feeds into strategic decisions for growth.

Staff Training and Development

Employees are critical to the club experience. Continuous improvement should extend to staff training, where clubs can invest in ongoing education for employees to improve their skills, stay updated with industry trends, and offer better service to members. Clubs that promote a culture of continuous learning not only improve member satisfaction but also create a work environment that retains top talent.

A club that prioritises staff development will be better positioned to implement future initiatives, such as expanding services, launching new offerings, or upgrading facilities. Employee insights also become valuable inputs into future planning. After all, staff members often have direct contact with members and understand operational pain points.

Technological Adaptation

Technology plays an increasing role in the club industry. Continuous improvement initiatives can include integrating new technologies to enhance member experiences. For example, digital wallets, online booking systems for club amenities, and virtual events have become important features. Clubs that continuously explore and integrate technological solutions can better adapt to changing member expectations.

These technological investments need to be forward-thinking. Implementing a new software or tool without considering how it will evolve alongside the club’s future needs could lead to wasted resources. A continuous improvement mindset ensures that clubs make thoughtful technological choices that will support future growth.

Continuous Improvement as a Tool for Future Planning

The process of continuous improvement doesn’t just resolve immediate problems; it offers a roadmap for future success. By fostering a culture of consistent evaluation and incremental enhancements, clubs can ensure that they remain relevant and competitive in an evolving marketplace.

Informing Strategic Investments

CI initiatives give clubs real-time data on what works and what doesn’t. These insights can help guide future investments, whether it’s upgrading facilities, expanding services, or improving digital infrastructure. Rather than making speculative decisions based on industry trends alone, clubs can rely on data and feedback from their continuous improvement processes to make more informed choices.

Flexibility in Planning

A key benefit of using CI initiatives as a planning tool is the flexibility it affords. Instead of locking into rigid, long-term plans that may quickly become outdated, clubs that embrace continuous improvement are better positioned to pivot as necessary. This adaptability is crucial in an industry where member preferences can shift rapidly due to lifestyle changes, economic conditions, or even external factors like pandemics!

Sustainability and Growth

Clubs that integrate continuous improvement into their strategic planning are more likely to sustain long-term growth. As CI promotes regular evaluation and refinement, it naturally lends itself to sustainable practices. Clubs can ensure that they are not only meeting the immediate needs of their members but also planning for future growth in a way that is both sustainable and aligned with evolving trends.


Incorporating continuous improvement initiatives into the fabric of club operations is not just about making incremental improvements—it's about establishing a foundation for long-term success. By continuously enhancing member experiences, operational efficiencies, and employee skills, clubs can make informed, flexible, and sustainable decisions that will help them grow and thrive in the future. Continuous improvement thus becomes a powerful tool for future planning in the ever-evolving club industry.

To assist Club Managers develop and/or maintain their leadership and management skills, elevateB, in partnership with the CMAA offers the following:-

  • Club Managers Webinar series – fortnightly, one-hour webinars on salient topics to help club managers maintain currency and hone their skills. Our next webinar is all about future planning in your club. Check it out at; and

  • Club Managers Leadership and Management Program – a comprehensive online professional development program that delivers the full suite of skills, tools and techniques to successfully run a club. You can also tailor your training by selecting specific modules from the program, one of which is Facilitate Continuous Improvement. For more information go to


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