A common sign on train platforms or dimly lit passageways is “watch your step” or “mind the gap”. It is a reminder to think about our next actions and take an appropriate pathway. And it’s a daily example of Gap Analysis.
For clubs, a gap analysis allows you to determine how to best achieve your goals by comparing your current position with a desired position and then determining the steps needed to get there. In undertaking a gap analysis, you will highlight shortcomings and discover opportunities for improvement.
To put it another way, a gap analysis compares actual results with targeted results. This allows clubs to easily figure out if they’re on track to achieve their goals — and if not, how they can get back on the right path.
Types of Gap Analysis
There are a few variations when undertaking a gap analysis.
1. Performance Gap Analysis
Probably the most common and meaningful form of gap analysis this process looks at what goals have been achieved (current or actual performance) and the goals a club wants to hit in the future (future or expected performance).
It is also referred to as a strategic gap analysis because its starting point references the club’s overarching goals and objectives. Then it’s a case of crunching the numbers to determine the gap.
EGs – “To increase our membership number to …”; “To achieve a member satisfaction rating of …. or above from the next member survey ”
2. Market Gap Analysis
This is a great way for clubs to capitalise on under-serviced markets and to spot ways to bridge the gap and offer services that aren’t being catered for. Market gap analysis helps clubs make informed decisions on where to invest time and money.
It differs from performance analysis because it looks at what’s not happening, as opposed to improving on what you’re doing.
EGs – “To attract families with young children to the club”; “To offer conference and convention facilities to the local business community”
3. Profit Gap Analysis
A club’s P&L Statement is the ultimate scorecard, and drilling down into revenue, cost and profit lines can highlight gaps and help focus energies on removing these gaps. It’s similar to performance gap analysis with an emphasis on improving what is being done.
EGs – “To achieve a revenue target of $.... for the financial year”; “To maintain our payroll to revenue ratio at …”
4. HR Gap Analysis
HR gap analysis is the process of analysing the capacity, size and capability of your team, in order to make decisions about budgeting and staffing.
And as a result, your club will have the required intel to make decisions about hiring, outsourcing, and any skills gap within your current workforce.
Once the analysis has been complete, your club will have a clear overview of workforce competencies and if you have the resources to do the work that is needed to achieve future goals and objectives.
EGs – “To hire two more experienced duty managers by the end of the year”; “For selected bar staff to undertake cocktail making courses before ….”
At our upcoming Club Managers Webinar, on Operational Planning, we will address Gap Analysis and look at several other tools and techniques you can use in your club to ensure you are moving in the right direction and heading there in the most effective and efficient manner.
If you’d like to join the webinar on 11th October – 2.00 pm (AEST)/ 3.00 pm (AEDT) click here https://www.elevateb.com.au/club-managers-webinar